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Valentine’s Day: Celebrating Love Without the Hassle (with a Fun Quiz and Answers!)

Valentine’s Day often comes with high expectations and a flurry of plans, but for those of us juggling work, home, and other commitments, the idea of grand gestures can feel overwhelming. Fear not! You can make Valentine’s Day special without going out of your way—sometimes, it's the little things that mean the most.

Elegant, Effortless Ideas for Busy Lives


Why not add a touch of romance to your regular dinner routine? Light some candles, dress up the dinner table, and voilà! You've created a special ambiance without any extra stress. Another delightful idea is to engage your family in a fun quiz at the end of the meal. This keeps everyone around the table a little longer, laughing and connecting, creating lovely memories with minimal effort.

Valentine’s Day Quiz


Here are 40 Valentine's Day questions to get everyone thinking and chatting. Cut up the questions, fold the paper, pop them into a bowl or a jar (a gin glass works too!), and pass them around the table. Each person gets a chance to ask a question, and whoever answers the most questions correctly wins!

Enjoy celebrating the love that often gets lost in our everyday hustle.

  1. Which ancient civilisation is believed to have started the tradition of sending love notes on Valentine's Day? Answer: The Romans

  2. Which country is known for its unique Valentine's Day tradition of women giving chocolates to men? Answer: Japan

  3. In which Shakespeare play does a character mention Valentine's Day, saying "Tomorrow is Saint Valentine's Day"? Answer: Hamlet

  4. Which famous couple is known for their tragic love story involving a poisoned dagger and a sleeping potion? Answer: Romeo and Juliet

  5. Which Italian city is known for its romantic gondola rides? Answer: Venice

  6. Which romantic movie features the quote, "I'm also just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her"? Answer: Notting Hill

  7. Which romantic movie features the dance scene to the song "I've Had The Time of My Life"? Answer: Dirty Dancing

  8. Which Roman god is associated with Valentine's Day? Answer: Cupid

  9. What colour rose signifies friendship? Answer: Yellow

  10. In which country did Valentine's Day originate? Answer: Italy

  11. What is the most romantic city in the world often referred to as? Answer: Paris

  12. Which planet is often referred to as the "planet of love"? Answer: Venus

  13. In Greek mythology, who is the goddess of love? Answer: Aphrodite

  14. What colour is often associated with love and passion? Answer: Red

  15. Which animal is often associated with love and loyalty in mythology and folklore? Answer: Dove

  16. What is the traditional gift for a first wedding anniversary? Answer: Paper

  17. What famous landmark in Paris is known as a symbol of love? Answer: Eiffel Tower

  18. Which movie features the iconic spaghetti kiss scene? Answer: Lady and the Tramp

  19. In which city is the famous "Lovers' Bridge" where couples attach padlocks? Answer: Paris (Pont des Arts)

  20. What traditional food is often shared by lovers in Italy on Valentine's Day? Answer: Pasta

  21. In which European country do people celebrate "Friendship Day" as an alternative to Valentine's Day? Answer: Finland

  22. What was the reason Saint Valentine was executed, according to legend? Answer: For performing marriages in secret for young lovers

  23. In Roman mythology, Cupid is the son of whom? Answer: Mercury & Venus

  24. Cupid has what name in Greek mythology? Answer: Eros

  25. Letters to Juliet are sent to what city every year? Answer: Verona, Italy

  26. What brain chemical is known as the "cuddle" or  "love hormone?" Answer: Oxytocin

  27. What insanely popular website debuted on Valentine's Day in 2005? Answer: YouTube

  28. Besides Valentine's Day, for which holiday are the most flowers sent? Answer: Mother’s Day

  29. What fruit was once known as a "love apple" for its alleged aphrodisiac properties? Answer: Tomato

  30. What is the Guinness World Record for the longest marriage ever recorded? Answer: 86 years, 290 days

  31. According to the National Confectioners Association, how many cocoa beans does it take to make a pound of chocolate? Answer: 400

  32. On average, how many times does the heart beat per day? Answer: 100,000

  33. What does XOXO stand for? Answer: Hugs and kisses

  34. Which country consumes the highest amount of sweets per capita? Answer: Germany

  35. The play Romeo and Juliet is set in which Italian city? Answer: Verona

  36. What company is often credited with creating the first box of Valentine's Day chocolates? Answer: Cadbury’s

  37. Where will you find the remains of St Valentine? Answer: Whitefriar Street Church in Dublin City - St Valentine’s remains were gifted to a Dublin priest by the Pope when he visited Rome in 1836

  38. As well as love, what occupation is Saint Valentine also a patron saint of? Answer: Beekeepers

  39. What percentage of people give their pets a gift on Valentine's Day? Answer: 43% of people plan to buy Valentine's gifts for their pets compared to 42% who plan to buy them for their significant others.

  40. Which major invention was patented on Valentine’s Day? Answer: The Telephone - On Valentine's Day 1876 Bell and Gray each submitted an application to the U.S. Patent Office for a device to transmit the human voice over a wire—in other words, a telephone.


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